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Monthly Fellowships

Men of Integrity


The mission of Men Of Integrity Fellowship is to provoke men (both young and old) by the Holy Scriptures to embrace the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to hold to that truth without compromise, which includes leading their families in the direction set by God’s divine order and to be leaders by example in their church community.

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Acts 2:42

Women of Covenant

The mission of the Women of Covenant Fellowship is to provoke all women to be holy and to embrace the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and be hearers and doers of the word of God, without compromise, as it is the standard for our lives at every age and stage of life – unmarried, married, motherhood, and widowed. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.

Proverbs 31:10 

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The Youth with Conviction at COLW endeavors to follow the example of men and women used by God in the Bible, such as David, Daniel, Deborah and Timothy to initiate the journey of becoming REFORMERS early in their walk with Christ. We purpose to:

Undergird the teaching of the apostle’s doctrine (Acts 2:42)

Be helpers of their joy as they stand boldly in their faith (2 Corinthians 1:24)

Equip them with the knowledge and fear of God so that they can be ambassadors for Christ, to boldly speak of Him and preach the gospel to the lost (Ephesians 6:20)

Develop their knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done for us, so they are not led away (2 Peter 3:17-18)

Teach them to be examples in their generation (1 Timothy 4:12) while boldly proclaiming and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 16:15)

Youth With Conviction

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COLW Young Adults

The young adults of Church of the Living Water are Pastor Hill's Arrows in the hands of the elders of COLW.  And just as arrows are sure to hit their destination in the hands of a mighty man, the young adults of COLW will be where God has called us to be as we put our lives in His hands.  Happy is this ministry that has its quiver full of them.  We will not be ashamed, but we will speak with the enemies at the gate.

Psalm 127

 Meeting Times

Not just bible study, but fellowship is also promoted with different fun, exciting and relaxing events. There is definitely a place for YOU! With our Women Of Covenant (WOC), Men Of Integrity (MOI), Next Generation, and Youth With Conviction (YWC), we have something for everyone in the family.


Women of Covenant

First Fridays

7:00 PM



Men of Integrity

Second Fridays

7:00 PM



Next Generation

4th Fridays

7:00 PM



Youth With Conviction

Every Wednesday Night

7:00 PM


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Church of the Living Water of Austin
2132 N Mays St, Ste 970
 Round Rock TX 78664
(512) 255-1959
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